A Guide to the Juvenile Justice Act 2018UNICEF has kindly given permission for the electronic version of their guide to be made available on our site as a means of public education Please click here to access the guide Sexual Offences HandbookHelp & Shelter has kindly given permission for the electronic version of their Sexual Offences Act Handbook to be made available on our site as a means of public education |
NewsLast update 20 January, 2025. The updates tend to be done once a quarter Our attorneys - farewell to Ms. Abigail Manbodh and Ms. Donette Anthony and welcome to Ms. Tawana Charles, LLB, Attorney-at-Law, Ms. Phileisha Douglas, LLB, Attorney-at-Law, and Ms. Kasha Fraser, LLB, Attorney-at-Law Congratulations to Ms. Leanna Bachan, winner of the 2023-2024 academic year Ashton Chase Prize for Labour Law The presentation to Ms. Bachan will take place in February 2025. Congratulations to Ms. Ariana Ramdharie, the first recipient of the Desiree Patricia Bernard Prize for Family Law As with others established by the Clinic, the prize is books of the recipient's choice to the cost of USD500 Ms. Ramdharie was identified as the first recipient of the prize by Professor Kenneth Benjamin, Head of the Department of Law at UG. The presentation will take place when Ms. Ramdharie, who is currently attending Law School, is available. Congratulations to Ms. Sheneza Clarke, sixth recipient of the Miles Greezes Fitzpatrick Prize for Legal Aid A date for the formal presentation of the books (up to the cost of USD500) chosen by Ms. Clarke as her prize is to be scheduled as she is based outside Guyana.
GAWL's The Law & You VThe Guyana Association of Women Lawyers has recently published The Law and You V, which consolidates and updates the previous volumes I, II, II, and IV, and adds new topics. Booklets about the Revised Constitution of Guyana 2001The Women and Gender Equality Commission has kindly given permission for the electronic version of their booklets on the Revised Constitution of Guyana 2001 to be made available on our website as a means of public education. |